Virtual People

When you go about your daily business for many of you it involves the use of a communicative technology, for most you can just observe others being attached to their respective devices. Almost everyone is familiar with texting, facebook, twitter, vine, instagram, youtube, etc. All of these programs and utilities entrench the time of many users being involved in their everyday lives. What is of concern is how much time is invested within such realms of usage. There are those that spend countless hours upon things like facebook and twitter trying to find out the latest trends as well as focusing on sharing every detail of their life. The new fad of taking your own picture to display it for the masses has arisen via sites like instagram. The new generations of cell phones encourage you to invest a crazy amount of time interacting with others through digital means. It almost seems like a lost art for interpersonal communication anymore. Youtube somewhat bridges that gap because a lot of people are finding ways to interact differently within a public setting in regards to social experiments and the like. These forms of people who are primarily focused on getting likes, retweets, subscribers, etc. are what I would like to call “virtual people”.

Whichever platform you prefer to use there is that certain allure drawing you to continue using it. I know of situations where people will be within the same room of a household for example, but instead of carrying on a normal conversation they result to texting with their phones to conduct their conversation. Many people who wouldn’t dare say certain remarks to someone’s face are often displayed for millions to see via 140 characters or whatever it is upon twitter. Not to mention the plethora of people who normally don’t share much with their closest friends, but find it appropriate to air dirty laundry on facebook for everyone to see who they may or may not actually interact with… yet still have as “friends”. This creates many problems and seems to have hindered the actual element of communication more than it has helped. Many people are using these platforms to be an escape and excuse for mistreating people or pulling unsuspecting pranks that could cause harm as you see most often times on youtube.

Lots of people do utilize these programs for good reasons; these platforms aren’t all bad by any means. However, they have given us as people excuses to ignore others or propel abnormal expression. If anything there are plenty more virtual people walking the streets today than ever expected. Many of these things just flared up over the past few years, but have overtaken our society like a wildfire. There seems to be a sense of normalcy now in sharing every little detail about yourself in a widespread fashion. This wasn’t only uncommon as recent as 10 years ago, but almost unheard of because of the value in privacy for instance. There was also a lot of paranoia that came with information being provided for a lot of people to see in regards to identity theft or potential unwanted attention. The majority of that seems to have gone out the window and now more than ever anyone who wants access to a particular person’s background seems to have it. Not much digging is needed these days to delve into the life of a complete stranger and they are the ones providing all of the information willingly.

These virtual people seem to be a new breed in a sense, because again in the most severe cases there are many that view the most important things to be the attention they get through the platforms of their choice. Many purposefully induce controversial content to acquire a more widespread reaction. This tends to create conflict and situations that were unnecessary. Some take the time to try and deal with what it was they released taking a form of responsibility whereas others just use it as ammunition to continue acting in a way that may not be completely themselves, but gets them attention. There appears to be a sense of addiction tied to many of these platforms that appeals to the ego driven and fame seeking personalities out there. The problem I view is that there are many times where there isn’t an actual message behind the majority of the content, but rather a selfish net to see how many people it can snatch up. No sense of meaning or purpose, just the hope of getting personal attention in a way that can be easily utilized.

Do you know people who have completely changed in relation to these newer technologies? They seem more distant and out of touch as a person, but highly invest time into these realms of communication? It is hard not to atleast witness these sorts of people when you venture out into the public anymore. Many people even let it take attention away from their driving, work, and other personal responsibilities. How is it that your relationship with these “virtual people” has changed? Do you consider yourself tied into the “virtual people”? I’ll admit I’ve taken advantage of what facebook had to offer initially and watch youtube videos every so often. I will also state that I do not invest a vast amount of hours actively participating in their tools nor do I even text message. I can honestly appreciate the new technologies and programs for some of their quality efficient uses, but the drones I see result from over indulging gives me pause as to what is really being accomplished.

300th Post – “Creavolution”

In today’s society we see it all too often, where there is a battle in regards to how all of this formed around us. There are a great majority who believe in a form of Creation and those who believe in forms of scientific approaches. The main scientific approach relates to a big bang and within that framework evolution for the most part. Now there are differences and intricacies that vary between the two sides Creation and Evolution, because there are different beliefs on one side and varying theories on the other. The fact remains that those are the two main categories in regards to a belief system, that we tend to find in each individual today. There are a select few that just have no form of belief in either way and maintain their right to not know how to explain what it is we call life. Within the frameworks of normal conversation there are a plethora of topics that are almost forbidden to be spoken of due to the fact of confrontation. It seems in today’s society that there is a new method to try and avoid that at any cost and just allow things to go unsaid rather than have healthy debates. I’m not sure if it is due to the maturity level not being as stout now as compared to the past or if there is just a lot more fear instilled within people due to the increases of violence and hateful acts etc. I for one have never been afraid to stand up for what it is I believe. That however, is not why I am writing this particular piece. Throughout this writing it will become evident which belief system I hold, but present some thoughts that maybe you’ve never considered. The reason for this was also due to the fact it is my 300th blog post and I wanted it to be a bit different than the rest. This is more of a free write, but ties in to a creative aspect of thinking. Not to mention the obvious notations of controversy that can lie within it. I appreciate anyone who takes the time to read through this as I have always been thankful for those who have read or listened to any of my past works.

With the societal changes that we constantly see coming up around us, there is one question I first must ask and that is “How is it that it comes about”? When you look around at how we function as a people today within the more advanced nations you see technology playing a huge role in daily operations. This doesn’t apply to the nation in the sense of government and military, but their citizens in general… the public. In America you will find it hard not to see people attached to their cell phones or computers whether it is for their jobs or just daily free activities. Communication has grown in various ways with the introduction of social networking and people just wanting to expose themselves to a vast public. It has never been easier to connect to others or share yourself with the outside world as it is today. When thinking upon that sort of ideal and action, how is it that form of lifestyle came about? Were the technologies and programs used in order to help that growth created or evolved? Are the devices used to utilize these programs created or evolved?

When looking around at your own personal life you notice that there are many simple aspects in which you take advantage of. Every day you get dressed before your day begins. Where is it that those clothes came from or how is it they came to exist? Were they created so that you could go find them to purchase or did they appear through means that are full of mystery? Many of the materials and products that we interact with on a daily basis for personal maintenance wouldn’t be there for us unless they were indeed created. Most of us can brush our teeth, take showers, get dressed, write, type, drive, etc. all of which require devices that were created to help us effectively do so. None of the products involved with those forms of action just gradually appeared, there was a creative process behind them all. Over time there were additions and growths within particular products and industries to allow for a better result, but that still was due to creativity within those processes. Nothing that we interact with today just formulates without a point of creation. You yourself were created at some point through an action; otherwise you wouldn’t be here today to read this. It took an effort to bring you into existence as does the rest of the things mentioned that you interact with or use daily. There was an effort completed in a creative way to bring forth what it is you see and use around you.

Many people still cling to the thought of evolutionary theories and random occurrences of actions. I wonder how it is we as the human race have even evolved over the course of all this time? What is it that has changed amongst us that you can pinpoint is so different than times past. There are a lot of creative minds developing new things to try and make our lives easier or healthier, but our actual physical and mental forms have not changed. When you look at how we interact with each other and the cultures from now to back when it is evident that there are changes. Those changes however were derived from things like technologies, books, and actions. All of which stem from a point of creation, because when you see or use the new technologies they were obviously created. Books are created by people to further propel their ideologies and knowledge, whereas certain particular actions in a philanthropic or advocating sense also derive from a creative endeavor. When you look at movements in regards to action like Martin Luther King Jr. He created actions to go against racism to propel a group of people into equality rather than allow what was happening to continue. There was a sense of effort that was put forth and a creative way of doing it to make sure the message was being heard and taken seriously. If there wasn’t a creative sense behind it then it may have never expanded into what we know it as today. Over time we have witnessed countless creative efforts and have given praise to those who have utilized that gift to help improve the lives of all of humanity. Just because the medical field is deemed a science, does not mean there haven’t been creative solutions provided to further develop that particular field to help increase the lifespan of our race or cure diseases that were once thought to be incurable.

When we truly analyze ourselves we can depict that we are unique and different from anyone else upon this earth. Sure there are many that can relate to others through commonalities, but there isn’t an exact replica of anyone else out there. Through different experiences and choices there is created a totally different mind frame and attitude within a person. Even with twins, triplets, etc. you won’t find them to be the same at all despite potentially looking identical. Each individual is simply created differently. That is where inlies a lot of the differences between the two “main” sides as well as those who just don’t hold stake in either one. They argue and fight over the sense of the created. The fact that one word is centralized at the core seems to me that the logical explanation would be fairly easy to see. However, when you throw in the sense of development being needed to impact a particular creation that is where science sets its hooks. They generally feel that if we as a people are impacted by things of this earth it is derived of a science and therefore proves their aspects of evolutionary theory. If something over time occurs and changes in any particular way they attribute it to an evolutionary process. So if someone gets influenced by said change, then they are obviously evolving into something that others didn’t have a chance to at an earlier point. As stated earlier everything that is encountered on a daily process though is created. So there still lies a problem of belief/faith.

This raises another aspect that many just don’t take into consideration when going about their normal lives and it is that everyone exercises faith. It doesn’t matter if they claim to have no faith; everyone exercises it to some extent. It is evident and has been proven that nobody consciously makes all of the functions of their body work. So when you go about your day focused on the tasks at hand, the faith is there that your body is going to continue to operate in such a way that makes you able to continue living accordingly. Much the same as when you conclude each day or lay down to take a rest. When you fall asleep, you obviously have no control over your surroundings let alone the functionalities of your body. However, you still sleep every night or day with the faith that you will awake at some point just the same as you were when you first drifted off. There are many things we take for granted in a nation like America that nobody really focuses on. Running water, electricity, sewage systems, heat, cooling, etc. all tie in to something that is created but in a lot of times also faith is exercised. When we need to use the restroom or want to wash our hands we expect those devices to work. We have the subconscious faith that those things will be working each time we go to use them. As we all know when something of the magnitude such as power is taken away from us, there are a lot of changes that need to be made and some creative solutions to help remedy that particular situation. When electricity does shut off, there has been developed a system such as generators using an alternative power source to allow for electricity to remain effectively used. This solution was a created solution that did indeed happen over time as more information was learned, but none the less was created. There are many aspects that you can look at where creativity or created continue to be the words used to describe or define the occurrences and developments. As touched on faith by definition occurs within all of us in some form whether you acknowledge it consciously or not. Trust and expectation are involved in many avenues of life.

Going back to us as humans and looking into evolution, I still don’t see any great advances to ourselves that happened out of nowhere. Still many will argue in the aspects of athletes let’s say that they are bigger, stronger, and faster now than they ever have been in the past. Well granted for the most part that is true, but they also have access to newly created things such as various supplements, upgraded fitness equipment, performance enhancing drugs etc. that play a vital role. Without those created ordeals that differ greatly from the things athletes in the past had access to there wouldn’t even be an argument. Which also brings me to the fact of how despite our medical knowledge having expanded, humans in general have continued to remain limited in their life span compared to those of the past without such advances. In times past there were humans living for hundreds of years, whereas now it is rare for someone to even see one hundred. The arguments for such reasons are cleanliness and a less compromised environment. All the same creativity brought forth pollution and chemically induced genetic foods, so there also goes to show aspects of advances, science, and creativity being able to contain negative properties. Regardless, the majority of the differentiations between times past and present come down to what was created aka introduced between then and now.

I also am unable to understand how it is we as humans have evolved when it comes to the sense of sexuality. You often hear the phrase well it is 2014 or whatever so such and such should be viewed as alright. Homosexuality or the desire to base ones gender upon a mentality is completely ridiculous in the sense of evolution. How can someone who doesn’t believe in creation logically say that a practice that would hinder the progression and expansion of a race be evolutionary? Having two men or two women become romantically involved doesn’t progress or expand the race at all because they simply cannot reproduce unless they rely upon the opposite sex aka the creational activity of normal reproduction. In order for evolution to occur there has to be expansion and or change that introduces an improvement. How is an activity that halts something of that regard serve as evolution? Still there are many arguing it to be an evolutionary property. Then there are people who are born with male or female parts later deciding that they are instead the opposite gender based upon their personal thoughts. You realize that they are then creating a new persona and attitude different from that of what is physically granted, right? Granted we are all gifted free will, those types of people are going against what is both science and creation. Which comes down to the fact of there being people who don’t buy into either side in any form, however there are many times certain people who choose to adopt this lifestyle that do indeed contain themselves in one of the two categories. For those that don’t identify with one of those sides, they still alienate themselves in a way that is counterproductive. Many of their reasons are that they were created wrongfully or placed within the wrong physical being. If that is the case how did they come to those conclusions? When we are infants we aren’t capable of acknowledging those sorts of thoughts, but are exposed to various things as we grow. So there is a form of influence that is presented to those people that isn’t just their own intuition speaking. This opens the door in my opinion to that of what falls within the realm of creation. There is good and evil, both of which have forces beyond our complete understanding.

It is obvious that nobody can contain all of the knowledge that runs upon this earth. Therefore how is it so absurd for some people to believe there is a higher intelligence out there in which they can’t fully understand? Look at something such as our solar system being so complex and exact, yet many don’t allow it to serve as proof of creation. How could something that remarkable in ways of mathematics, science, etc. not be used as evidence of a greater creator when something as simple as a pencil is obviously known to have been created? To claim that a solar system wasn’t created despite being held within a vastly larger universe that operates completely differently just seems crazy to me. Especially knowing that life such as that is on this planet isn’t replicated even closely at all anywhere else that we know of. How does that explain a random occurrence? To me that justifies the reasons of a divine creation and or purpose. That shows to me that this planet was chosen for a reason and operates in such a way to sustain that form of life. We blindly have faith that the planet will rotate in a way that doesn’t completely shatter its normal function. We have absolutely no control over what the planet does in regards to its solar system, yet we still go about our daily lives. That there my friends again is faith despite possibly not acknowledging it as such. Many people take for granted that there will be a tomorrow, despite it not being guaranteed for everyone.

There are so many little intricacies that surround us pointed clearly to creation and creativity. However, the greater majority still seem adamant to deny that and deter it from entering the minds of those who are asking questions. For instance, look at things such as subliminal messaging. Who was it that discovered something such as this or knew the little ways to impact the mind to influence someone without them necessarily knowing? Can you give me a name tied to this like you can the person who discovered electricity or the telephone? Doubtful, there are ways that we are influenced in which are unexplainable through various means of communication and our senses. Subliminal messaging is just one aspect that is known and easy to point to because it is easily recognized while also now being widely used. The fact that there are loopholes such as this should clearly show that a design is in place. As with all designs there are faults and strengths. When you look at an everyday system only those with a higher oversight can truly delve within the design to know the benefits and exploits of said design. With that being the case how is it not evident that there are greater forces capable of influencing us. When you look at a computer program for example, let’s say a website or a video game. There are very detailed and intricate languages that need to be written correctly in order to produce exactly what is meant to be experienced. If even the slightest miscue occurs within the coding the entire thing can collapse. Looking at the human mind it can be similarly compared. If it is impacted in the slightest negative way the entirety of it can collapse. If something like that happened you have to realize it isn’t just the physical brain it can affect. Much like the website/video game if something crumbles in the human mind it impacts the way it operates as a whole. So on a website for example the entire formatting and interactive design could be hindered causing it to become inoperable. Within a video game it could cause a point in the story or a function to be broken that doesn’t allow for the rest of it to be experienced. The human brain contains thoughts, ideas, controls body functions, etc. all of which could fall by the slightest hindrance of the mind. We as humans don’t even fully understand our brains and still get influenced in ways that are unexplainable.

To really analyze and look at something like that it is clear that there is indeed a design in place to help safeguard from a complete breakdown. However, it is also evident through things like subliminal messaging that there are loopholes in the design to allow changes to influence unknowingly. Seeing this first hand you should know that the sense of control is not really there. Just as with our lives we didn’t control when we were born or who our parents were. It was a process in which occurred not to our understanding. Most times we also have no control over when or how we will die. As you know there are instances where that isn’t the case, but in a normal cycle the unknown element is there.  Acknowledging that there are things not in our control or things we just cannot understand seems to be the biggest reason for why people cling to the scientific or nothing at all belief. Many people just can’t grasp the element of faith despite actively using it every day. They also fail to give creation the proper attention despite using creativity or acknowledging it being a part of everyday life. For many people it just seems to be a prideful thing that keeps them away from seeing the obvious. Even with creation being as complex as it is there is nothing easier than developing a relationship with the actual creator. Due to that sort of abnormal balance the fear overtakes many because it is just not something they are use to. Many people think that the greatest things require an enormous amount of effort to obtain or understand. The fact that salvation through Jesus Christ is a free gift due to all of the work being done by Him through His sacrifice, just doesn’t compute to most. Especially when it isn’t something you have to work for, but rather just simply accept by asking Him into your heart and life.

The facts remain that people and society change over time, there is no denying that. However, the most significant changes come through the aspect of things that are created. Without creativity and creation there wouldn’t be the things we enjoy on a day to day basis for entertainment let alone normal functions. The debate shouldn’t even really exist as to which side is accurate when again everyone utilizes faith principles and admits to creativity being a reality in our lives. Instead of denying the existence of a higher power due to someone’s own personal lack of understanding, it should be embraced since they know that they can live how they are due to that of which is unknown. If you are someone who doesn’t look to any aspect of creation or science, then I would strongly suggest investigating what it is you hold as priority. To not explore life through thought can make for a boring adventure, plus it won’t lead you to where it is you’ll want to end up. Ignoring things never makes anyone improve or succeed so to continue to label these types of topics as toxic needs to end. There needs to be more people bold enough to discuss matters and present information so that others can learn. If they never get talked about than the information can never be passed on for others to choose from. Which if you read that over again would tie in perfectly to what I mentioned earlier of other forces being at work without our own personal systems. Does it not make sense for an evil to take place so that you could never experience the good? How else can you drown out something good from being spread? The simple answer is by presenting negative aspects so that the good can never surface or by making the good appear as a negative. By limiting that in which we can speak about to others introduces one of those unseen antics in a way many of us are not consciously aware of occurring.

The fears imposed upon us through societal means can easily be overcome and should be. If many other people have the freedom to speak upon their own beliefs and lifestyles, than it should only be fair for those of us with differing beliefs to do the same. There will always be right and wrong, good and evil… but to discount a belief system that has been around much longer and provides absolute truths that have never been derailed is complete nonsense. To make it a public spectacle of shunning a particular belief system is something many groups speak of going through, however turn right back around to utilize in their own agenda. When that happens all it boils down to is a right and wrong simplicity, because in the end there is always going to be a right or wrong decision. If there is always going to be a right and wrong decision or action than that also equates to there being a right or wrong belief. We can’t pick and choose certain things to be immune or absent from those guidelines it’s just how life is.

It is never my intent to criticize or ridicule anyone as I am far from perfect and am not the judge. What I do always intend to do in anything that I tie my name to is provide thought provoking context for others to delve into. As stated before there is no possible way for someone to know everything, so what I try to do oftentimes is present ways of thinking that may not have previously been introduced or experienced by others. Within this blog that is one of my main focuses is implementing thought provoking content. I will never be afraid to show my true beliefs, but will also use my creative aspects to speak in ways that may be easier relatable to those with differing beliefs. I too enjoy the occasional fiction and fantasy aspects of writing to access imagination, but even through those I attempt to produce a thought provoking message. Thank you again for reading and listening to my works thus far. It is my hopes that I will be able to continue to make meaningful posts moving forward in regards to this particular site. Have a blessed day!