
A simple greeting upon meeting for the first time
Universal in its use making it prime
Encountered in several instances each day
Whether you’re familiar or strangers it’s still the way

Holding significance in how it is you proceed
Whether it is from hearing it or something you read
The word is the beginning to conversations and relationships
Friend or foe, business or casual, and everything inbetween it grips

The leader of the pack of words that occurs
The key to unlocking many pathways of yours
It all seems so simple on the surface
But many prevent themselves from saying it due to being nervous

There is great depth when you look at the reality
Regardless of whether or not you truly agree
Many ponder what may have been if they would’ve just uttered the word
Instead of being shy leaving them in regret with their thoughts stirred

Often times we’re unaware of how many people wanted to present it to us
While we move along in life not knowing any differently can still be a plus
Like anything in life who knows what could have been
We can’t change what has been done only what we may encounter again