Strive forward

How certain people can siphon so much from you is crazy to me
All the care you’ve poured out being there as proof is clear to see
Yet, nobody realizes the imbalance that occurs by the one leeching
Then when it’s gone it’s almost as if it was all worth nothing

They don’t show remorse or adjust their course
They go right on to the next stop as a new source
They claimed to have loved you and valued what you had done
However their actions show differently than their words, which is no fun

For many people they let this deter their purpose and steer them astray
What you don’t realize is those emotions are meant to strengthen us today
Just because someone else has a flaw it doesn’t negate what it is you provide
The memories are still there and may last a lifetime

Don’t let their lack of appreciation or reciprocation hinder your outlook
Your grace and hope never came from what it is they took
It stemmed from something deeper that can’t be broken
There are many others who will truly appreciate the kind words you’ve spoken

Never let the foolishness of others derail your mission to improve
As you aim to be a blessing to others sometimes there are those who need to be removed
Your energy to uplift and encourage is never in vain
So whatever pain you may feel from such situations use it to fuel the next gain