
Live Action: Breakdown

Let’s get creative

The following is going to be some miniscule things that stick out within the most recent Live action ads that were released for the upcoming Halo 5: Guardians game. Their campaign is to #HuntTheTruth with two perspectives in regards to the events that took place. I am going to shed some light on a few things that are so minor they have been overlooked in all the comments that I have read thus far. These are only just opinions and ways to look at the marketing in a slightly different way.

Spartan Locke Ad

Master Chief Ad


When you look at the Halo franchise it is well documented that the Master Chief is the bread and butter, the main character that we all fell in love with… the one that the universe/media is built around. So to us we have come to know this character and much like in real life when you know someone for a long time there is a sense of history that develops with them. In this recent ad campaign the company 343 seems to be tempting our hand to look at Chief differently. Almost as if they are questioning our loyalty to the hero we’ve all come to know over the last 14 years. They are slowly trying to influence us in a way that is far different from the past. When you develop friendships in real life, who is it you believe when it comes to terms of hearing the truth? The person you just got introduced to not long ago or the person you’ve been through countless experiences with?


If you recently saw the two ads were released in a particular order. First, was the point of view of Spartan Locke the new main character that was introduced to us in the past Live action series Nightfall. Within his recollection it was a bit more theatric and played out. With the looming presence of the “truth” and what is the “truth” in your mind it comes as a bit of a shock to see the Chief in the situation he is in during this particular version. Then the second ad showcases our familiar Hero and his point of view of a similar event mirroring what it was we saw previously. The correlation to an outside the box view here is when finding the truth in our lives we often times experience lies, deceit, and distraction FIRST and later discover the actual truth. So to see the first version play out, could we have saw lies to later then see the actual truth second from the Chief?


As you may have heard the saying before the “devil” is in the details. When having two sides to a story not only is it based on perspective, but also right and wrong or true and false in most cases. In the picture of the Halo 5: Guardians cover it shows Locke on top with Chief reflected below him. In the trailers it has Locke first and then Chief. In the pictures since, it shows Locke on the left and Chief on the right. When taking into consideration right and wrong often times you draw the parallels to Heaven and Hell the ultimate view of good and evil. Heaven obviously being above and Hell below. If you noticed in the social media postings they stated with Locke’s video “There are 2 sides to every story.” and with the Chief’s video though it was upside down you saw “There are two sides to every story.” When considering literature and ways of writing it is commonly known that the grammatically correct way to write that phrase is in the second form. Another example of one being correct and another incorrect. Besides if you think outside the box once more to consider familiar sayings there is the term “an upside down truth” and “a downright lie”… could that be what is happening here? Could the above or Heaven be indicative of the “good” view Locke is trying to put on things and the clarity of his video in comparison to the Hell Chief has been through and is in during his perspective?

Another way of saying it is not to judge a book by its cover, which again brings me to the details. Within the videos there were two errors in my mind of the “recollections”. Firstly, the most common one that was pointed out was the fact that Locke was carrying a DMR… but within his HUD it showed a Battle Rifle. The other aspect though I appreciate the symbolism of it all, the statue of the chief was essentially unblemished in Locke’s rendition compared to the second video or even the surrounding environment of the first video. I find this to be another form of “error”. Not to mention where Locke started from being within some form of cover that wasn’t in the line of sight to the Chief statue nor Chief himself. So was the fact that his view starts with him basically hiding indicate that he is hiding the actual truth or being that his view is obscured of the Chief and statue make his view is skewed? Could these details be errors because they are fabricated rather than the actual occurrence?

When meeting people in real life it is all about impressions, being Locke is a newer character to us as stated earlier we don’t have much history with him. As people do in life often to try and improve their image to others… they lie. Could 343 have Locke trying to impress us as fans by sprucing up what actually happened to make him look better than he actually is?

When asking if something is True or False it is commonly known that with that statement or aspect of wonder True is always put before False. When reading it True is left and False is right. However, they keep harping on how the truth isn’t always what it appears as well as perspective playing a role in how things are portrayed. When Chief is laying down at the foot of the statue he is leaning to his right and Locke’s left. When Locke is laying down at the foot of the statue he is leaning to his left and Chief’s right. Is this just a similar occurrence again to how it has been set up with them being placed within pictures? Could that just be the simple explanation for the difference or could Locke leaning to our views right indicate that this is the “right” view, since favoring his left would be toward “true”? Looking closer at the damage to Locke being on his right side and our views left, may that indicate a lean toward making it true with the opposite being portrayed on the Chief having damage on his left and our views right to lean toward false? Remember, not everything is what it appears on the surface.


This is a huge indicator in how someone views things and it always varies depending on the people involved. When you want to tell a story, often times it is human nature to add things to spice it up or make it a little more impressive. It ties in to my saying about people wanting to maintain a certain image with people and often lying to improve the view. If you compare movies to real life, there are inconsistencies in how things actually operate from one to another. Something adapted to a movie can take on a whole different tone and be altered in a way that looks more glorified than the actual grimy experience that may have happened. When Locke speaks within his perspective it is more theatric and a show with his body language as well as speech. The statue is more pristine and the view around him is brighter and more pleasant to the eye. When you go to the Chief’s perspective it is more of a fitting atmosphere for the carnage that took place surrounding them and his vocal delivery is more fluent with the scene or event that just occurred.

The other simpler explanation for the color tones have been discussed to just be the color variant of their visors. It is blatantly obvious that Locke’s is a blue tint with the Chief’s being more of an amber, so is that a good enough reason for their surroundings having the same color tone in our view? Perhaps, because the shadows were eerily similar despite everything else potentially indicating a different time of day.


I believe that they are doing an incredible job with this particular marketing endeavor. I hope that they can translate the high quality of this to the game itself. I remember how great Forward Unto Dawn was only to be semi letdown by the actual game. Halo 4’s campaign did work for me in the sense that it got back to a Halo:CE style, but at the same time was just missing something. 343 has shown that they are incredible at generating a buzz and making content to draw people in. The same professionalism has been lacking within their games so far though by doing a lot of things people weren’t pleased with, not to mention just the shear amount of problems they have had so far on the next gen system. These ads were pretty awesome though and provide me with more hope than I had before in regards to Halo 5. I was pretty set on not buying the game, but depending on what is seen from here on out after these trailers it would seem they are starting to sway my opinion back to being interested.

Thanks for your time in reading, always analyze every aspect of the actual content provided and the intent behind it. As I said these are all just opinions I found interesting that mostly weren’t yet talked about. Feel free to add any of your own opinions or views. I have read through a lot of the youtube comments so far and there are some interesting theories for sure. I could go on more and more, but figure this is quite lengthy enough and showcases things in a simpler fashion.


I normally walk with my head held high
Confidence soaring as the days pass by
Not afraid to take the stand necessary
To thwart the things that are derogatory

However there was a time cowardice slipped in
Long ago when immaturity was lingering within
There was a woman in which I felt a connection
Little did I know not telling her would lead to this infection

Years lost and unfair comparisons at times
Many wasted thoughts and regret in my mind
Never have I met anyone similar to date
Little did I know the fate of the choice I made

Looking back hindsight is always 20/20
In this case there’s no telling if the love would’ve been plenty
We were kids, just young teens
How was I suppose to know what it was supposed to mean

Life took us our separate ways
Success came for us differently as our stories portrayed
She found the happiness through a relationship
While I’ve had great experiences as the result of my education

Hard to tell what could’ve or would’ve been
I could’ve been rejected back when
Not knowing for certain is what kills
Especially now knowing I won’t have certain thrills

Regardless of our different paths
It seems we’ve remained somewhat similar to our past
She may have done things inbetween to turn me away
However, I’ll never know since we never shared those days

Due to that happening I’ve never forgotten
It stuck with me and continues to feel rotten
So I vowed as a man of my word, NEVER AGAIN
Never again… will I let something go unsaid

Dear Feminists,

I hope you all are well at the time of reading this! I wanted to write this to further grasp understanding to what it is exactly that encompasses the feminist movement. I am well aware that like many large “groupings” there are different sectors that have differing opinions and define their priorities a bit different than others. For instance, it is to my understanding that there are some who are strictly in the realm of women being completely independent commonly labeled “man-haters” due to believing they do not need a man’s help at all. There are those who are solely focused on the continued fight of equal rights for women amongst men within careers and other everyday situations. Then there are those who are pushing for a higher standard of woman so to speak. I’m sure there are more sects that can be delved into, but those three make a fine example given those are the most talked about from what I’ve experienced. It is completely fair to say that if you yourself define yourself as a feminist that you may fall into all three or any form of mixture. Given the broadness of the term “feminist”, I know that each individual can define it completely different from the next. So, what is it that you hold most dear in regards to being a feminist?

I myself am a man, so hopefully those who hold disdain towards us can tolerate the questions to possibly shed more knowledge on what it is exactly you would consider feminism to be. Why is it you choose to label yourself with that term? What has getting involved in such a movement done for you in your life? Have you seen a positive change personally and around you since partaking in it? There are many questions that can be asked as I am a curious person who likes to learn more about the cultures around him. However, there are a few points that I would like to go into further where I have found some controversy as is usually the case with any form of societal group.

It seems that when you bring up pornography there is a pretty substantial divide within your community. What side of the fence do you find yourself on? There seems to be a favor for it by some, claiming that it is something that provides empowerment, freedom, or expression. There is also the side that claims it is completely degrading, disrespectful, and treacherous to the imagery of women. What is it that you feel? Are you one of those who stand up for that industry with which some women are making quite a bit of money or are you one who believes it is a type of slavery in a man’s world?

It is hard for me to believe that any woman could call themselves a protector of the gender, while many women are forced to do things against their will within that particular industry. The other factors of looking at differing statistics of lifestyles resulting from such involvements stem to drug addiction, countless surgical alterations, diseases, abortions, etc. I am not one to argue that there are women who blatantly choose that lifestyle as it is everyone’s right to have a choice having free will and everything. My question is what about those who don’t have a choice because of said industry influencing certain types of behavior or underground “industries” that actually enslave women for financial gain? Human trafficking is a huge problem as is rape, if you support pornography do you not draw correlations? What is your counter argument for claiming one is acceptable and not the other? Does it lie just within the realm of “choice” or is it something deeper? Some of the women making lots of money in that industry have said they feel trapped or felt they had no other choice but to dive into that type of career. Does it not bother you that harassment is still so prevalent these days within or outside of said industry? What about the fact that it seems more women are being encouraged to participate in a lifestyle where their body is the focus instead of their mental capabilities?

I see the inner turmoil of the group and continue to wonder how something so prominent can result in such a divide. Is it simply just a case of being so vast like many other groups that there are just so many differing opinions or is it something a bit different since there are no set beliefs to follow or abide by? If someone labels themselves as one of your own, a feminist, are they a hypocrite or falsely labeling themselves if they support something that can be in essence a detriment to women? What exactly is the consensus in regards to how support is given to those identifying as a feminist? How many different options are there out there for women to get involved in the movement in regards to organizations or awareness opportunities? One could simply tell me to “google it”, but as mentioned prior I know each individual defines things a bit differently… so it is my hopes that a response can be given to further learn from a more diverse crowd.

I, personally, am in full support of women’s rights, but prefer those that are in line with a quality moral code. Things like earning wages, job opportunities, work environments, education, etc. are all things with which I can get behind and support. Then there are others avenues that try to portray hatred, when all they want in return is acceptance. Sometimes it can get a bit silly in my opinion, for instance, when I try to hold the door for a woman and they refuse to go through it by either opening a different door or just standing there. I can understand independence and the like, but is it really necessary for those types of extremes? As I said, I would never culminate a singular opinion on such a diverse group. I again, am moreso curious as to the thoughts of those who label themselves as such. Like many other large groupings, what is it that makes your cause different?

I thank you for your time in reading and hope that you will take the time to respond to some of the questions. I apologize for the limited options of talking points and the minimum focus on a particular topic, but still hope that something can come out of it. As stated, I am always looking to learn and what better way that to ask questions that could potentially lead to more discussion. Have a great day!


Let me take a moment to teach
Women aren’t meant for you to leech
It doesn’t matter your fantasy
Nobody’s taking responsibility

These dudes unaware of how to stop
They want to blame the cops or their Moms and Pops
Indulged in their latest addiction
With a misuse of various definitions

Our government can’t even interpret its own constitution

Make a stand, hold some hands
Lead people out of the despicable plans
So many on auto-follow
They forget what it’s like not to be hollow

Get filled with knowledge and emotion
Mindless drones stirring up all this commotion
Hard to stop what you can’t see
So open your eyes to all that’s threatening

If you’re free then you can hear the pleas
Many crying out to simply be released
Held against their will
Forced to be silent and still

The media leading you astray
Harassment hasn’t gone away
Problems all around, slavery is here
No ethnic specificity, just to be clear

They’ll take anyone who has the look
Just to further fill their pocket books
If you feel you aren’t effected
Then I guess you have no connections

Treat others how you want to be treated
Don’t leave them behind broken and beaten
Regardless if they’re a friend or stranger
Nobody should have to endure these dangers

Distraction is the simplest form of deterrent
Hoping you won’t realize the lies is the difference
Find a way to acquire resolve
Since many of these problems need to be solved


There are many rhythms in this beat of life
Some provide euphoria and others strife
What reason have you been put under the knife

Do people dissect your every move
Do they judge without having a clue
Do others not offer ways to improve
Do bystanders simply just ignore you

Mental and physical a land of mystery
The human life is quite the journey
So many variables to make them all differing

One can have success
One will have lots of tests
One should do that or this
One could bring forth bliss

How it all shakes out is determined
Will your story be facts or fiction
What you say and how others perceive
Will in the end portray your legacy


An imagination is a powerful thing
So many have dreams they’re replicating
Others lay still in defeat
Left waiting patiently to do something

In this land of opportunity
What is it that we mostly see
Is it success or failure
So much nonsense to endure

Many choices lead to many pathways
Which is it you’re choosing today
One can lead to happiness
The other to sadness
Not knowing which, is the delayed progress
Pondering decisions can leave one left wishin’

Many reminders of only living once
Many times people get caught up in stunts
The key is not to be afraid
Own up to the choices you ultimately make
Considering with each day, there can be change

Learning is the catalyst
Knowledge needs to be the protagonist
You are the essence
So don’t be afraid to make a difference


I’ll never have the opportunity to hold my own child
Since this world is messed up with no virgins for miles and miles
It’s not just them it’s me, I’m just so fed up mentally

No judging, your business is your choice
When it comes to personal matchmaking though I have a voice
Been a straight edge since day one
And I’ve still been able to enjoy mass amounts of fun

Some require a little extra boost
For them though it’s what makes them lose
Not going to settle, it isn’t my style
I gave up the idea of marriage going back now awhile

Still to this day I get the questions
Just bounce, I’m fed up with those conversations
You introduce me to a Christian virgin above 23
I’ll call you both liars since the age for sex is lowered for the ladies

With each breath I maintain a rage
Like the Hulk constantly angry to keep it caged
I’m a nice guy, raised a gentleman
Never would I say something explicitly negative

However, I’m not afraid to state the facts
People want to poke me to see how I react
A little of this and a little of that
No woman for me, I’m solo… it’s been a nice chat

I despise the lies and expectations
They want to bring up the discussion
Just to be confused with how the world really works
I don’t need to explain myself further I’m not interested in the perks

I’ve seen confidence, beauty, and plenty of worth
But the core 5 things just can’t be found on this Earth
Perhaps I was brought this far for a reason
The reason I’ve stated already to remain single no matter the season

Nobody seems to hear it though as if they’re not ready
Just because I’m aging doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy a life that’s steady
If it was God’s will for me to be a husband
I believe some choices of mine already ruined that plan
Regardless, He’d see it through if it was supposed to happen

Far in the past now where those memories belong
No need to try to replay it in my head like a catchy song
It’s hard at times to look forward not knowing your legacy
Living a life with purpose isn’t always easy

Many want to cop out and blame others or God above
I don’t need that outlet I’m more than man enough
To own up to my decisions and hold true to His wishes
Responsibility takes many shapes, but so do different ambitions

Refraining from the temptations was quite a daunting task
Which is why I have my certain standards that will always last
Enjoy your relationships and treat them with great seriousness
Since they aren’t guaranteed and many these days don’t result in success

Too many focused on themselves and being flirty
Leaving all sorts of openings for affairs and adultery
Each and every time it is sad to see, so how can I trust
It’s just better to do what I’ve done and avoid this relationship stuff

In this day and age love needs to pull out ahead
With that being said, I’m referring to the true definition
Temporary pleasures aren’t what make things great
It’s the depths of emotional connection over time between two mind states

If you’ve found that lifeline, I applaud your discovery
Some search a lifetime without any, forcing themselves into recovery
I’m well aware every person has their own journey
Just wish more would acknowledge that fact as I enjoy my own without worry