
You were once so sweet with all your sentiments
Then an attitude shift left our communication in remnants
You never bothered to explain what it was that caused the rift
Instead you chose to remove our connection that was once a gift

So many things were shared in talks and views
A lot of commonalities between us two
Hard to believe you thought silence was the path
Considering the opposite is what made our former bond last

The word forever apparently was used inappropriately
As now you’re in the realm of never again obviously
What other choice did I have other than to walk away
When you wouldn’t cooperate further in any cordial exchange

Immaturity enveloped your every move
As you always sought to create a negative within the groove
What was once a place of solace different from the rest
Had become an equivalent to the average distant from the best

Nobody can read your mind or pick up on all the signs
If you wish to retain what once was you need a new design
Rearrange your approach before it’s too late
So you don’t forfeit anything else that is great


Many couples these days date online
I could never do it as I’d want to have her hand in mine
Nothing wrong with digital distance if it works for you
I’m just someone who was never in that crew

There’s already enough separation in relationships these days
I can’t imagine what it would be like in a tech array
I’m glad that lifestyle wasn’t meant for me regardless
Because there’s far too much unnecessary stress

Not many people can understand the joy in being single
It isn’t something that fits for everyone as they prefer to mingle
Far too many individuals mention they struggle with loneliness
When it is just a mindset that they allow their thoughts to express

Like anything there are choices in the matter
Easy ways to remedy the situation instead of shatter
Lots of people fall victim to that pressure
Rushing into a more tragic endeavor

Patience is key in all aspects of life
Relationships are no different if you want to avoid strife
Don’t settle for something quick and easy just to feel a certain way
Because you could miss the best option meant for you that would’ve arrived the next day


I’ve seen people be more generous when they had very little
Once puffed up in popularity and fame their kindness became brittle
Variables that have transcended time have shown a myriad of things
Some are just too selfish in their state of being

Trying to obtain riches hording everything they get
Not realizing they were given a chance first to achieve it
There will always be give and take
Unfortunately not everyone seems to relate

More people rather take than give
Making this world a difficult place to live
You can’t acquire something that doesn’t exist
And in order to get something an exchange is in the midst

There’s absolutely no reason to be selfish at all
Happiness excels when more people are involved
If you claim that you aim to support others to achieve
Then by all means you better live up to that state of belief

Feeding people an ideology to gain their backing
To then do nothing of the sort means you’re slacking
If your actions don’t live up to what you proclaimed previously
Then you can’t blame people for leaving immediately

Nothing defines being fake quite like marketing false behavior
Doing the opposite of what you stated leaving many unsure
Taking advantage of people in an effort to grow your brand
Will only absorb your resources as if you’re in quicksand

Success can never be cheated
The truth will always come through undefeated
Lies you may deem to be well hidden and worth your while
Will in time reveal themselves leading to your downfall due to being vile