Dark clouds

Given all of what is swirling around
It seems many are lost and need to be found
A virus plaguing the very operation of life
While a rise of hatred is escalating the strife

The pain and sorrow seem to continually grow
When will this year experience some normalcy, nobody knows
Tragedy after tragedy it all isn’t making much sense
Now more than ever is when we need some peace to commence

When 2020 began it was looked at as a fresh beginning
What nobody predicted was that it was the start of light to be thinning
Darkness has overshadowed the minds and hearts of the globe
The entire world cloaked in its chaos as it continues to probe

There is an answer and a pathway to overcome these experiences
Which has nothing to do with the anger that has driven many into deliriousness
More people need to realize that they’re here for a purpose to develop resilience
Coming together with love in mind is what will express the most brilliance