
Have you ever carried around a heavy heart
In the mornings waking up not knowing where to start
Laying awake at night with your emotions chasing your thoughts that are far apart

There’s a swirl of memories and experiences that unite
Creating a conflict that you weren’t quite ready to fight
An unexpected occurrence that was never in your line of sight

The things we can’t control, but still have to deal with are intense
They can produce a ton of stress that doesn’t make much sense
However, the lessons we are able to learn from it all can be immense

Through the struggles we acquire strength and healing
Several abilities can develop from aspects involving various feelings
So we must face the challenges even when they aren’t appealing

As hard as it is to deal with certain aspects life can bring
We often aren’t left with much choice because time is a thing
Something that never stops and will always provide elements that are ever changing

Whatever the issues are that have made your heart heavy today
Find comfort in the fact that those pains won’t always be in play
There will be moments of grace and love for you to once again feel ok

So as your thoughts may continue to wander around
There will be opportunity for peace to once again be found
No problem is too big and no loss is too great, we shall again stand on solid ground