
The beauty you hold is the standard
That will always be my answer
Whatever makeup you decide or flow of the hair
All the other shapes, sizes, and styles can’t compare

You’re the one I hold dear
When we first started, to year after year
In case I haven’t made it clear
I want to be your love that’s always near

The truth is I want to protect and hold you close
I’m intrigued by the person you are beyond the clothes
I want to support your endeavors and be a part of your adventure
Keeping you encouraged and uplifted because you’re my treasure

To me it isn’t about your image because I see grace
The kindness you hold in your heart reflected by the smile on your face
Actions speak louder than words, so let me be your resting place
I’ll always prove that you’re safest within my embrace

There’s nothing we can’t do
You’re the one for me, I always knew
Each time you ask how you look
Again, there’s no one as gorgeous all around in my book